LisaAnn has been seen by millions of Americans on numerous network and local affiliates from ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX. She has also been invited on several radio programs and the McCall Method has been the focus of many articles in The Dallas Morning News, as well as other newspapers.
LisaAnn McCall was invited as a guest speaker to Gore’s International Women’s Day 2024 celebration in Flagstaff, Arizona.
“One of the problems in today’s society is we want a quick fix. But for the long term what you really want is a balanced body. Over the next 15 years, I predict we’ll see more of core balance technique. Each generation of orthopedic surgeons is learning new techniques. Let’s face it: one of the hardest things for any of us to do is accept new ways of thinking,”
-Dr. James Montgomery
Clinical associate professor of orthopedics at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas and former head physician for the U.S. Olympic Team
(Source: The Dallas Morning News, “Lisa McCall’s Balancing Is No Act”)
McCall has been featured and syndicated across a broad range of media outlets:
Prevention Magazine “Try this 30-second posture makeover” from LisaAnn McCall physical therapist and author of The McCall Body Balance Method.
Fox News McCall’s Body Balance Featured Nationally
Competitor Magazine Wogging and the McCall Method
OrthoKinetic Review – A Balanced Approach “Restoring muscle coordination needs to be the first step in returning muscle strength. Up to now, exercise for low back pain has been typified by indirect approaches like walking, yoga, sit-ups, and weight training.”
D Magazine – Increase Your Mobility “Anyone is a candidate [for Body Balance]. An amazing thing that I have learned is that joints don’t know how old they are. An arthritic joint can be retrained to move correctly even if the condition has lasted for years or the client is elderly. With these methods there is always some degree of positive change.”