Do you want to get back to running, tennis, swimming, hiking, etc?
After having surgery are you still uncomfortable returning to the activities you used to love?
Want to take your athletic performance to a higher level?
Are you an ex-athlete hampered by nagging injuries?
Is your balance not what it used to be?
Do you want to get back to walking with comfort and confidence?
When a specific bone or set of bones (like your back or knee) breaks down, the body becomes strong and pain-free again when you stack ALL the bones correctly in line with each other.
More than 30 years as a physical therapist have taught me many things, but most importantly that you and your body already have many answers to ease your pain. The key is to listen to and decipher what your body is saying, which results in, in almost all cases, a quick analysis of the problem at hand and how to proceed with a McCall Method solution.
There are no cookie cutter formulas in my approach. Each client receives a completely individualized course of therapy.
Whether you’re seeking a pain-free round of golf, a new approach to triathlon training or learning to climb up and down stairs with a smile on your face, I can help.